You all may be aware of TikTok but let me brief it a little for those who are still immune. TikTok is a music app that lets you record videos over different voice overs. Of all the negativities TikTok has spread I realized that there are several positive impacts TikTok may create and the Pakistani TV and Film industry can benefit from it in several different ways. Let’s get to it!

1.Free Platform

TikTok provides a platform to everyone and anyone without segregation to express themselves to the world and the best part is that it is completely free of cost. You can shoot anything with various effects without spending on expensive technology and mastering those complex editing software. This allows users to match voice overs with suitable effects and give them a basic training of editing. They get a sense of what goes with what and help them gain a basic experience if they want to pursue in the field of video editing and serve the Pakistani Film and TV industry.  

2. Discover Hidden Talent

Pakistan is loaded with talented people and people who may excel in the career of performing art whether it be singing, dancing, acting or any other type of art. TikTok gives an opportunity to those who wish to pursue in this field and are really talented to express themselves and get discovered. This means that we will get to see new and better-talented faces on screen.  

3.Camera Sense

Unconsciously TikTok is developing camera skills in every individual who is using it. These are basically the fancy frame rules you may learn in a Film and Media course which gives you the education of how to capture a beautiful frame. This means our Film and TV industry may get already camera-aware people to further polish their skills and it will be easy to train them to perfection.