From now, you will be able to play games while you are downloading them. This feature can be extremely useful when you are downloading a large game. It is a shortcut to play a game as you won’t have to wait long to start playing a game.

Android 12 Update lets you play games before they finish Downloading

Google has released a GIF that shows how much faster you can jump into a game to play it. According to Google, the games will now be ready to open at least 2 times faster than before and we can also witness the same change as well. This a great feature however the only glitch is that it works with the games that use the Play Asset Delivery system. Developers do not need to enable this feature if games have a play asset delivery system as it will automatically be enabled. Also Read: Best Batman Games for Android in 2022 This news was announced at Google for Games Developer Summit 2021.  Google also announced a new game dashboard for Android 12 that gives you access to utilities like screen capture and recording.  Android 12 is all set to bring new features to Android users. Also Read:  Google Lens redesign moves users’ focus from live viewfinder to camera roll and Best Adventure Games for Android