APT41 is a famous Chinese cyber threat group that carries out espionage activities since 2012. It has already targeted many companies in 14 countries including healthcare, telecom, technology, education, and video game industries. It also tracks individuals and conducts surveillance. It is also involved in crypto-jacking, ransomware, and leaking of corporate information including confidential customer data, software code signing certificates and business information. The researchers have assessed this group as a Chinese state-sponsored espionage group and it also conducts financially motivating operations. APT41 is known for sending spear-phishing emails with attachments (including compiled HTML files).

U.S. State Government networks Hacked

APT41 exploited log4j which is a widely-used open-source software program. Recently many studies quoted that this software program has many security flaws. This time APT41 has carried out a dual crime of espionage and cybercrime operation together. It has targeted the U.S. State Government Networks and has been reported to be financed by the Chinese Government. The reason behind this cyber-crime campaign is not very clear but seems to be to gain illicit access to the confidential information of the U.S. government’s strategies and future development plans. The tussle between China and U.S. has always stayed top of the story. Time will show how this espionage operation at the state level will further lead to tension in this relationship. Also Read: Official Data of Ministry of Finance Gets Hacked in a Recent Phishing Attack