In 2021, Call of Duty: Mobile was on the 14th spot in terms of revenue-generating in the world. Since the debut of Call of Duty: Mobile, the shooter genre as a whole has grown, with player expenditure increasing by 50% y-o-y to $5.7 billion in 2020, followed by a further 10.5 percent y-o-y increase to $6.3 billion in 2021.

COD: Mobile Surpasses $1.5 billion in Global Lifetime Player Spending

Currently, the United States has been the top country for Call of Duty: Mobile revenue, with the game generating more than $647 million in the country or roughly 43% of overall player spending. Japan is ranked second in terms of revenue, with China secured third place. Call of Duty: Mobile has become one of the world’s top revenue-generating mobile games after its global launch. Its popularity, combined with the success of PUBG Mobile, has propelled the shooter genre to new heights on mobile, with the genre ranking as the fifth most popular genre in terms of worldwide player spending in 2021. Check out? Rumors Suggest Snoop Dogg Might be Coming to Call of Duty