These were fake accounts that were being operated within Pakistan. The content was removed due to coordinated behavior which means it found out some domestic, non-governmental campaigns. Some of the groups, accounts, and pages were misleading people about their identity, and things they were doing by having fake accounts were also wrong.
Facebook Removed Network of Fake Accounts Spreading Hatred About Pakistan
The company said that it was a whole network of people who is under internal investigation due to suspected coordinated activity in Pakistan. The people that were included in this fake accounts network were claiming to be residing in India to post hatred content regarding Pakistan and manage Indian military fan pages. While explaining the whole scenario, Facebook said: “The vast majority of the accounts, Pages and Groups engaged in coordinated reporting of content and people that were critical of Pakistan’s government or supportive of India, and some engaged in spam,” Facebook investigated that this network was posting things in English and Hindi and was publishing some regional and current events. They also posted some memes and content about social and political issues in Pakistan and India. This is not the first time, some groups have tried to defame Pakistan. However, an action takes by Facebook unlike YouTube, shows that it is a responsible entity and is neutral when it comes to business operations in different parts of the world. Also Read: Apple restricted Facebook update and here’s why?