Samsung introduced a new feature on its newest televisions at CES 2022 that caters to both cloud and console gamers. Users will be able to connect third-party controllers to the TV for immediate play, with no need for a console or other gear. The portal will also allow users to follow streamers on YouTube. “We’re collaborating with partners to offer their finest service standards on our platform.” Part of a statement from Samsung gaming product director Mike Lucero states, “We will be announcing details as we come closer to launch.” Unfortunately, it’s unclear whether the Stadia app will support 4K or not at the moment. Because that resolution is presently confined to the Shield TV, it seems doubtful that the GeForce Now one would. On certain TVs, app will not come pre-installed. According to sources, Samsung TVs’ “Gaming Hub” would enable HDMI-connected consoles, with “passthrough” compatibility for controls, implying that these cloud services might utilize the same controller as your console. At launch, it appears that PlayStation and Xbox controllers will also be supported. Samsung’s new TVs also enable the display of NFTs and have a “Eco Remote” that charges using radio waves from your home broadband network, which is rather impressive. The new 2022 TV models will have144Hz variable refresh rate, allowing users to take advantage of the best visual output from high-end PC gaming cards.