The overall purpose of the MoU is to strengthen cooperation for mutual cooperation on WMS system and other potential opportunities required in digital transformation of society. The MoU was signed by Mr Mirza Zia-ud-Din, Chief Executive Officer Celmoreand Mr Mohsin Ali, Chief Executive Officer Inbox Business Technologies in the presence of Major General Muhammad Shahid Sideeq, Director General SCO and officials from both sides. Through this MoU, both Celmore and Inbox Business Technologies will jointly work towards enhancing the collaboration beyond the current opportunities. This collaboration brings forth a commitment of Inbox Business Technologies to act as a professional service and consultative arm of Celmore with regards to business opportunities, Defense project, Public sector, Private sector and International opportunities. Director General SCO Major General Muhammad Shahid Siddeeq, expressed his view on the occasion that “SCO shall enhance connectivity in AJ&K and GB by developing telecom infrastructure with latest product, technologies and solutions to facilitate private sector. This cooperation shall provide a boost to telecom technology from all angles besides WMS. The objective in this regard was reaffirmed to help the end users to benefit from the digital technology”. Check out? SCO launches new offer and announces “AZADI CONTEST’ for Independence day