Traditionally telescope technology was being used to take clear and closer picture of stars and planets. But this is not the case this time. The researchers at Indiana university have done a marvelous job. They have experimented it on the eye of a human being and produced some great results.

Photo of Meshwork structure:

For the first time in history, the researchers have managed to take a clear photo of glaucoma structure in the eye. The place on which it appears is called trabecular Meshwork. Now, basically the optometry researchers at Indiana university have opted a technique to view trabecular Meshwork structure. Under the normal circumstances, the liquid which flow into the eye to provide nutrition and preserve it to its original shape. But the patients who are suffering from glaucoma have that fluid swept away. The normal eye and a simple instrument are not able to examine meshwork network. Due to which the cause of this disease is unable to detect. must see? Here’s How People are Reacting to Black Hole image But now the optometry researchers at Indiana University have made a breakthrough. They actually updated an already existing ophthalmic laser microscope with a programmable mirror. This kind of technology is known as adaptive optics. It involves a lot of skill, research and cost. Because of the accuracy it provides for studying glaucoma.    According to an estimate, Glaucoma is spreading very swiftly in the world. Especially, in the people with old age. It is calculated that the number of glaucoma patients will rise up to 111 million people in 2040 from 76 million in 2020. This estimate was made because the scientists were unable to know the cause and explain glaucoma. But with recent discovery related to Glaucoma made by Indiana university students, the structure can now be examined. And ultimately it will lead us to know the cause and cure of glaucoma.