As per the foreign media reports, 22-year-old British programmer Neil Papworth wrote the first SMS from a computer to his partner Richard Jarvis on December 3, 1992. Both were employed by Vodafone at the time and the SMS was sent and received through the Vodafone network.

The World’s First-Ever SMS, ‘Merry Christmas’ Sold For Millions of Rupees

The world’s first SMS was entailed, “Merry Christmas”. Talking about this SMS, Neil Papworth in 2017 said that, Now recently, the popular British telecom company Vodafone had decided to auction the SMS, which was sold for more than Rs 2.5 crore. According to the company, the money from the auction will be donated to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). It is a laudable step and many other companies should also follow the suit, as many regions around the world are facing droughts and severe food shortages. It is evident in countries like Madagascar, Yemen, Afghanistan, etc. Check out? Govt Abolishes the Increase in Tax rate of Mobile Phone Calls, SMS internet in Budget 2021-22