These Companies Pull out of MWC 2020 Over Coronavirus Concerns

These are the Companies Not Taking Part in the Event: These are the companies who are limiting their presence:

Samsung Xiaomi TCL ZTE

The list may expand as there are still some days left since the start of the event. Vivo and Intel are the new addition to the list. On the other hand, the GSMA has announced that MWC Barcelona 24-27 February 2020, will proceed as planned, across all venues at Fira Gran Via Fira Montjuïc and La Farga L’Hospitalet, including YoMo and Four Years From Now (4YFN). The GSMA is also in talk with exhibitor companies and is discussing precautionary measures being put in place both by the GSMA and by exhibitors. It is reassuring to know that colleagues around the world are taking active measures to contain and lessen any further spread of the virus. Also Check: GSMA Assures Necessary Measures Against Coronavirus at MWC 2020