YouTube Android TV Adds Playback Speed Controls in Latest Update

See Also: YouTube is Testing a New Timestamped Comment Feature The latest update for the YouTube app on Android TV lets you slow down or speed up a video based on your preferences. The option appears under the extended settings menu while you’ve playing a video, requiring a few remote taps to get to the options. Once you get the option, you can adjust playback speed from 0.25x speed to 0.5x, 1.25x, 1.5x, and 2x speeds. Playback speed controls on YouTube for TV aren’t fully new and are only just now coming to the Android TV/Google TV port. The option is already available on Samsung, LG and other TV platforms. Read Also: Best Android TV Games On the other hand, YouTube is working on a floating comment section for its Android app. The new feature allows you to scroll down an entire YouTube video comment section. Its working is a bit different as we see in the live video. There are no words when this feature will be available for all users. But YouTube is quite optimistic to bring this feature very soon to its Android users. For More Information Please Check: YouTube on Android Tests Floating Comments Section