Here’s how to get your YT account monetized.

YPP Or YouTube Partner Program Ads

The most direct way to make money on Youtube is to run ads on your site. However, to do that, you will need to join the Partner Program (YPP)  which has some stipulations. You need a channel with at least 4,000 views across its videos over the past 12 months, at least 1,000 subscribers, and with all of your content you need to comply with the content guidelines of YouTube. You can join the partner program right now if you meet all those thresholds. To do this, go to the YouTube Studio channel’s dedicated monetization page. You’ll have to wait until YT approves your profile after that. The official YouTube guidelines say that responding to your application takes about a month for YouTube.

Avoiding demonetization

Since YouTube has become more popular, Google and its advertisers have become more sophisticated and selective about the videos they are willing to play advertisements on. Such standards are broad and constantly changing, so it is not unusual for wide networks to suddenly find themselves with hundreds of assets that are no longer monetized. While we wouldn’t suggest restricting yourself creatively just to earn more, if you’re planning to do your day job creating videos, you need to make sure you don’t fall foul of YouTube’s policies of demonetization.

Member and Superchats

It offers a number of additional ways to earn money in addition to advertising revenue simply by making great content and effectively managing your personal brand. When you stream the videos with people who pay for Premium accounts, they won’t see any ads, but YouTube will pay you the same for their viewing. YT calculates the earning itself.

Product placement

One way to make money from YouTube is through product placement and sponsored videos without going through YT or giving the platform a cut in your earnings. To get such sponsorships, you will need to work out things with companies yourself, and the actual amount you are going to be paid for them is entirely up to you to negotiate. If you are lucky enough to organize such a sponsorship. YouTube has some stipulations on the type of product you can sell, as with everything else. For more detail, check out its Shopping Ads Policy.